Voting Integrity
Here's a way to help work towards voting integrity in Ventura County. Carl DeMaio has put forth an Election Integrity/Voter ID Law Initiative. Follow this link to learn more, sign the petition, and/or join his campaign.
Apply for an LP State Committtee
It's that time of year again! The Executive Committee is now accepting applications from any and all members looking to fill most of our various LPCA Committees for the 2023 - 2024 session. Applicants will be evaluated and considered by the Executive Committee at our up coming in-person meeting taking place on Saturday, April 1st, 2023. The criteria used in selecting applicants will include: professional acumen, Party involvement, experience, and the over ability to deliver on the work required.
If you're interested in serving on a committee this year, please send an email with the committee(s) you'd like to be considered for (you can serve on more than one a time), along with your cover letter, resume and/or reasoning for why you should be selected, to the ExCom Private List: [email protected] .
Below is a list of the committees, a brief description of the work they do (per the LPCA Operating Procedures Manual) along with the number of vacancies each committee has (not counting pre-filled positions required by the OPM):
Affiliate Support Committee (ASC)—4 Vacancies
This Committee is made up of 7 members: the 3 Area Coordinators, and 4 members elected by the ExCom. This Committee is responsible for providing the County Central Committees support including, but not limited to: affiliate growth strategy, assistance drafting Bylaws, assistance learning RONR, assistance with resources, and assistance with basic marketing and public relations.
Budget Committee—4 Vacancies
This Committee is made up of 5 members: the Treasurer, and 4 members elected by the ExCom. This Committee is responsible for: considering and constructing a budget of income and expenditures for January 1st through December 31st, and distributing the budget to the ExCom at its final meeting of the fiscal year for ratification.
Bylaws Committee—5 Vacancies
This Committee is made up of 5 members elected by the ExCom. This Committee is responsible for: recommending changes in the Bylaws and Convention Rules, and for drafting an initial and final report for the delegates prior to Convention.
Candidate Support Committee (CSC)—5 Vacancies
This Committee is made up of 7 members: the Chair, a Chair appointed Treasurer (who cannot be a member of the ExCom) and 5 members elected by the ExCom. This Committee is responsible for: raising money to support qualified state and federal Libertarian candidates in California, campaign publicity, reviewing unrestricted account records for accuracy and assisting the Treasurer with timely filing of FPPC and FEC reports.
Communications and Media Committee (CMC)—7 Vacancies
This Committee is made up of 7 members all elected by the ExCom. This Committee works as the Party’s public relations and internal comms department. This Committee is responsible for: writing and disseminating press releases, highlighting the Party’s activities and public positions in a constructive and inclusive manner through social media engagement, thoughtful political analysis, and bi-monthly newsletters.
Convention Committee—1 Vacancy, Rest Chosen by Committee Chair
The Chair of this Committee is elected by the ExCom, and is made up of however many members the elected Chair of the Committee deems necessary. This Committee is responsible for: planning all aspects of the LPCA Annual Convention.
Financial Standards Committee (FSC)—Indefinite Vacancies
This Committee is elected by the ExCom during the first 3 months after Convention, and is made up of however many members are deemed necessary. This Committee is responsible for: reviewing the financial records of the Party, and reporting its findings at each subsequent ExCom meeting and the next Convention.
Historical Preservation Committee (HPC)—5 Vacancies
This Committee is made up of 5 members elected by the ExCom. This Committee is responsible for: directing the preservation and publication of Party historical documents and reporting its activities and decisions to the ExCom at each Quarterly Meeting.
Legislative Committee—7 Vacancies
This Committee is made up of 7 members elected by the ExCom. This Committee is responsible for: the education and advocacy of Party positions on California state legislation in communication with Party affiliates, members, legislators and the general public.
Membership Committee—5 Vacancies
This Committee is made up of 5 members elected by the ExCom. This Committee is responsible for: managing the Party’s programs to promote, increase and maintain membership.
Program Committee—5 Vacancies
This Committee is made up of 5 members elected by the ExCom. This Committee is responsible for: developing the Party Program consisting of up to 5 planks which state interim measures and political policies designed to implement the Party position on issues of interest to California.
Strategic Planning Committee (SPC)—5 Vacancies
This Committee is made up of 5 members elected by the ExCom. This Committee is responsible for: developing and distributing to the membership, a strategic plan containing long-term and short-term strategies for expanding the influence and membership of the Party. It shall monitor and assist with the implementation of the strategic plan on an ongoing basis.
Website and Information Technology Committee (WITCom)—5 Vacancies
This Committee is made up of up to 5 members elected by the ExCom. This Committee is responsible for: maintaining and making modifications to the LPCA’s website and information technology (IT) infrastructure, and retaining and working with contractors, volunteers, and other personnel working toward the same goal.
Please send all email considerations by March 25th, 2023, to give the ExCom ample time to review and discuss all applicants prior to the meeting.
In Libertatem,

Adrian F Malagon
Chair, Libertarian Party of California
National Convention 2022
Next up is the Annual National LP Convention in Sparks (near Reno), Nevada. It will take place over Memorial Day weekend from May 26 to May 29. There will be an optional day of free training for Libertarians and volunteers from 9AM to 7PM on Thursday May 26. The main event will begin at 7:30PM Thursday evening with a reception. Sign up for the day of training and/or register for the convention by going to and clicking on "events." For hotel reservations click on "about." There are different packages to suit different budgets. The convention is open to all---Libertarians or just Libertarian curious. Come and enjoy!
Election Assistant
Ventura County is hiring Election Assistants for the June primary. This is a great opportunity for politically minded individuals or anyone who wants to assist in keeping our elections honest. It's a part-time temporary position which pays $22.37 per hour. You have more than 300 chances. Go to:
2022 LPC Convention Feb 18
The 2022 California State Convention is here! It will be held over the holiday weekend, Feb 18-20 at the Long Beach Marriott Airport Hotel at 4700 Airport Plaza Drive. There will be speakers, party business, vendors and more. This event is open to everyone---delegates, associate members, friends, contacts, students and the general public. It is close enough this year to attend even if for only one day. See schedules, speakers and other information on the state site at
Come be part of the libertarian movement in California. Members may access the business portion at no cost. Non-member students pay only $15. For all others, a speakers pass is available for $50.
For more information you can call 805-642-5782 or email [email protected].
Libertarian Party Ventura County
Statement from National LP
Rational people have done their best to work together and do what needs to be done to navigate through a global pandemic. Our government has lied, hidden information, mandated policies based on faulty assumptions, and refused to follow its own orders. It is time for it to end — all of it.
Read more
Annual Elections 2022
Happy New Year to LPVC Members and Friends!
Our Annual Officer Elections will be held on Saturday afternoon, February 5, 2022 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM at Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant, 205 North Moorpark Road in Thousand Oaks. Outgoing officers will make a short presentation, after which candidates running for the new 2022 Executive Committee will introduce themselves and a vote will be taken. Also on the agenda will be a vote on proposed amendments to the LPVC Constitution. We will also hold a fun raffle. This event is open to all including members, friends, and other interested parties. However, only active dues-paying registered members will be allowed to run for office or vote.
Central Committee Meeting Tue Dec 28
Members and Friends are cordially invited to an end of year Central Committee meeting at 6:00 PM on Tuesday December 28, 2021.
The meeting will be held at the Pizza Cookery in Thousand Oaks, 75 W. Thousand Oaks Blvd, inside the Best Western hotel.
Included in the business session will be setting the date for our annual elections early next year. Members who would like to run as a candidate for an LPVC officer position are encouraged to attend to learn more. Maybe you will be the one to bring new ideas and new energy to the county party in 2022.
Pizza will be served if you RSVP by 12-27-21. Either send email to [email protected] or enter response on Events page of this website.
Feel free to call 805-642-5782 with any questions.
50th LP Anniversary Celebration Dec 11!

There will also be an auction to benefit California candidates who will be running in 2022, so please come ready to give all the support you can!
In addition to our special guests, there will be dinner, birthday cake, and a cash bar. Space is limited so register now to reserve your spot: EventBrite for LPC
I look forward to seeing you there!
In Liberty,
Mimi Robson, LPC Chair
*NOTE: LPVC Members are also welcome to attend the LPC Executive Committee meeting being held earlier in the day in the same facility.
Freedom Rally Mon Nov 8
Another FYI - Firefighters 4 Freedom will be hosting a March for Freedom rally at 10am, Monday, November 8, in Los Angeles at Grand Park, which is located directly across from City Hall. This rally is in support of all workers affected by the vaccine mandates in Los Angeles. The location choice is, quite simply, a genius move, as the rally will be held on county property across from City Hall. This property is under the jurisdiction of LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva, who respects personal choice not to receive the vaccine.
Rally speakers will include:
– John Knox, founder of Firefighters 4 Freedom
– Amy Bohn, co-founder and executive director of PERK (Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids
– Dr. Simone Gold, M.D., J.D., FABEM, founder of America’s Frontline Doctors
– Will Witt of PragerU
– Pastor Rob McCoy of the Truth & Liberty Coalition
– Anesthesiologist Dr. Chris Rake of CUFF (Citizens United for Freedom)
– LEXIT founder Jesse Holguin
– Business architect, speaker and comedian Jason Sisneros
Read more