November 2024 Elections
Libertarian Presidential and VP candidates Chase Oliver and Mike Ter Maat.
LPVC Member Jeffrey Schwartz, candidate for Thousand Oaks City Council.
Former LP Member Elijah Mack, candidate for State Senator, District 21.
Thousand Oaks: Jeffrey Schwartz (LPVC Member)
NO on 2: Authorizes $10 Billion bond (tax) for schools. Includes a clause that could negatively affect competitive bids.
NO on 4: Authorizes $10 Billion bond (tax) for water, fire and wildlife but most will go to climate change projects.
Measure 3: Deletes phrase that "marriage is between a man and a woman" from state constitution. We are making no recommendation either way.
NO on 5: Makes it easier for bonds (taxes) to pass by reducing the vote necessary to approve them from two-thirds to 55%. VERY IMPORTANT ISSUE. If this passes, it could lead to the loss of Prop 13 which protects homeowners from major house tax increases.
NO on 6: Removes requirement that prisoners work. Allows voluntary inmate workers to request pay hikes.
NO on 32: Raises minimum wage (again) to $18 effective January 1, 2025.
NO on 33: Allows local governments to enact rent controls.
YES on 34: Requires revenues from the federal discount prescription drug program be spent on patient care. Ends scheme of using funds for political use.
Measure 35: Makes temporary tax on health care companies permanent with revenues to be used for Medi-Cal. (We are making no recommendation either way.)
YES on 36: Reverses parts of Prop 47. Re-establishes felony charges for certain thefts under $950.
NO on H: Continues a property tax of $59 per parcel for schools. This is one of three other parcel taxes for schools already on our property tax bill.
OJAI Measure O: Keeps four pickleball courts open to the public year-round. (We are making no recommendation either way.)
NO on OXNARD Measure E: Creates $285 Million in bond debt for high school repairs.
NO on OXNARD Measure I: Continues funding/special taxes for Riverpark's facilities and services.
YES on OXNARD Measure J: Eliminates (repeals) funding/special taxes for Riverpark's facilities and services.
YES on OXNARD Measure K: Reduces (by one-half) funding/special taxes for Riverpark's facilities and services.
YES on OXNARD Measure L: Limits uses of funding/special taxes for Riverpark's facilities and services.
NO on SANTA PAULA Measure G: Creates almost $5 Million in bond debt for Briggs elementary school repairs.
NO on SANTA PAULA Measure M: Creates $28 Million in bond debt for elementary and middle school upgrades.
NO on SANTA PAULA Measure N: Creates $36 Million in bond debt for high school upgrades.
NO on SANTA PAULA Measure R: Increases sales tax by one cent to pay for city services and maintenance.
VENTURA Measure P: Substitutes gender-neutral language in city charter. Sets city council members' salaries according to population; could increase them from $600 to $1900 per month. (We are making no recommendation either way.)
VENTURA Measure Q: Allows city council to fill an interim vacancy by appointment rather than holding a special election. (We are making no recommendation either way.)
2024 Voting Dates
By September 26 - Voter Information Guides mailed
By October 7 - Vote Center Notice mailed
October 7 - Vote By Mail ballot and packet mailed
October 21 - Last Day to Register to Vote
October 26 - In-person voting at vote centers begins
November 5 - Election Day ends at 8:00 PM
By December 5 - County officials must certify results to Secretary of State