Measure E - No Position
Shall an ordinance be adopted amending Camarillo Municipal Code Chapter 2.08 to limit Members of the City Council to serving no more than three consecutive four-year terms?
Measure M - No Position
Shall an ordinance be adopted amending Camarillo Municipal Code Chapter 2.08 to impose a lifetime limit on service as a Member of the City Council to no more than two, four-year terms?
Measure T - No. Although we are in favor of legalization of marijuana, Ventura County cities want to use it now as a cash cow on one hand while severely controlling all aspects of the industry. Our stand is that marijuana regulations should be limited to those similar to alcohol.
Shall the measure known as the RESTRICTION AND REGULATION OF COMMERCIAL MEDICAL CANNABIS CULTIVATION, which will regulate and authorize medical cannabis cultivation through a permitting process; require security including cameras, inspections, odor control, record keeping, employee background checks; and limit locations to indoor and only in industrial or commercial zones and 600 feet from schools, day care centers and youth centers, be adopted?
Measure J - No Position
Shall the voters repeal Measure A and return to five elected City Council members and a Mayor selected from among the five elected City Council members?
Measure K - No Position
Shall the elected Mayor's term of office, if retained, be changed from two years to four years?
Measure F - Yes. Reducing tax maximums is to be applauded.
Measure of Community Facilities District No. 4 (Seabridge at Mandalay Bay) of the City of Oxnard Shall Table 1 of Attachment C "Rate and Method of Appointment", to Resolution No. 12716 be amended to reduce by 17 percent the maximum special tax that can be imposed on developed properties located within Community Facilities District No. 4 (Seabridge at Mandalay Beach) of the City of Oxnard?
Measure G - NO. See Measure T above.
To fund general City services, including public safety, recreation, repairing and improving city streets, library services and senior services, shall the City tax cannabis (marijuana) businesses at annual rates not to exceed $10.00 per canopy square foot for cultivation (adjustable for inflation), 6% of gross receipts for retail cannabis businesses, and 4% for all other cannabis businesses; which is expected to generate an estimated $1.2 to $2.5 million annually?
Measure H - Yes. Limiting taxes is a good thing.
Measure of Community Facilities District No. 3 (Seabridge at Mandalay Bay) of the City of Oxnard Shall Attachment B to Resolution No. 12715 be amended to limit the amount of the special tax levied and used to pay overhead costs of employees of the City of Oxnard to $5,000 annually?
Measure I - Yes. We support limits on taxes.
Measure of Community Facilities District No. 4 (Seabridge at Mandalay Bay) of the City of Oxnard Shall Attachment B to Resolution No. 12716 be amended to limit the charges for Harbor Patrol services plus the consideration for the added value to the Seabridge Project provided by the Channel Islands Harbor to an amount no greater than the amount charged for Harbor Patrol services to Westport CFD No. 2?
Measure L - No. Two school districts are asking for tens of millions of dollars plus the ensuing interest. Bonds are costly; schools should be accumulating reserve funds for capital expenditures.
To improve the quality of education; modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and facilities; make health, safety, and security improvements; provide HVAC; upgrade technology; and construct new classrooms and libraries, shall Rio Elementary School District issue $59,200,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, raising on average $3,480,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding, at a rate of approximately 2.7 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent oversight committee, NO money for salaries, and all money staying local?
Measure O - No - See Measure L above.
To improve the quality of education; upgrade outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; replace/renovate aging heating and air-conditioning, deteriorating plumbing, and inadequate electrical systems; make safety and security improvements; shall Mesa Union School District issue $9,875,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, raising an average $532,090 annually as long as bonds are outstanding, at a rate of 3 cents per $100 assessed value, with independent citizens' oversight, NO money for administrative salaries, and all money spent locally?
Measure U - No. This tax increase would make Port Hueneme's the highest in the county with 8.75 cents. Force the city to tighten its budget and find the money for these services from its current revenue. We are against higher taxes.
PORT HUENEME 911/ESSENTIAL SERVICES MEASURE To prevent elimination of the City's Police Department/maintain long-term financial viability/essential services including quick 911 response; gang, drug, crime prevention and investigations; street, storm drain, pothole and gutter repair; keep public areas clean and graffiti-free; and provide other general City services, shall the ordinance establishing a one-cent sales tax until ended by voters be adopted to provide $1,800,000 annually, requiring citizen oversight and independent audits, with all funds controlled locally?
Measure N - No. See Measure T above.
Shall the City of Santa Paula adopt an ordinance enacting a tax on cannabis businesses of up to $25.00 per square foot of space utilized for cannabis cultivation/processing, and up to 10% of gross receipts from the sale of cannabis and related products, potentially generating $500,000 annually for street repair, police enforcement and other unrestricted general revenue purposes, until ended by voters?
Measure Q - No. See Measure T above.
Shall the measure to fund, for unrestricted general revenue purposes such as public safety, infrastructure, and streets, which taxes cannabis (marijuana) businesses at annual rates not to exceed $10.00 per canopy square foot for cultivation (adjustable for inflation), 6% of gross receipts for retail cannabis businesses, and 4% or less for all other cannabis businesses, generating an unknown amount of revenue and levied until repealed by the voters or the City Council be adopted?
Measure R - No. See Measure T above.
Shall the City Council allow marijuana related businesses, such as cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, testing facilities, and deliveries to operate in the City
Measure S - No. See Measure T above.
If the City allows marijuana related businesses to operate in the future, should those businesses be limited to operate only in the City’s Sexually Oriented Business Overlay Zone?
Measure P - No. See Measure T above.
To fund general municipal expenses such as police, roads, and libraries, shall the City tax cannabis (marijuana) businesses at annual rates not to exceed $10.00 per canopy square foot for cultivation (adjustable for inflation), 6% of gross receipts for retail cannabis businesses, and 4% for all other cannabis businesses; which is expected to generate an estimated $130,000 to $150,000 annually and will be levied until repealed by the voters or the City Council?