Apply for LNC Committee Positions

For those members who are interested in helping the Party on a national level, you may be interested in applying for one of these committee positions working with the LP. The deadline is August 31, 2018. 

Audit Committee

2 non-LNC members selected by the LNC

The Audit Committee’s tasks are to select an independent audit company and to direct the scale and scope of standard annual audits of the Party’s accounting records and processes. Following receipt of the audit company’s report, the Committee shall help the LNC interpret the audit results and assist the latter in preparing any action plans that might be needed to alleviate deficiencies.


Ballot Access Committee

2 or 3 non-LNC members selected by LNC chair

The Ballot Access Committee shall:

  1. With the assistance of staff, collect and analyze information of all affiliates concerning ballot access needs.
  2. Recommend to the committee as a whole the implementation of specific strategies and projects consistent with current budget allocations for ballot access.
  3. Proposed strategies and/or projects shall represent the best use of budgeted funds allocated among the various acceptable ballot access techniques such as, but not limited to, petitioning, lobbying, litigation, public awareness, and collaboration with other organizations which are pursuing the goal of liberalizing ballot access laws.
  4. With the assistance of staff, prepare and present ballot access reports at each general LNC meeting in a spreadsheet form which will include:
    1. The specific affiliate(s) which is intended to benefit from the effort
    2. Funds allocated to the effort
    3. Expenses already incurred
    4. Brief description of the progress of the effort in terms of specific statistics related to the effort
    5. The specific individual(s) or organization(s) to which any funds were disbursed and/or which use of the any LP trademark, service mark, or logo were approved.
  5. With the assistance of staff, and prior to the second general LNC meeting following the completion of the bi-annual election cycle ending in November of even numbered years, prepare and present a report which supplies the details of the entire election cycle ballot access effort with regard to:
    1. Initial estimated expenses
    2. Expenses actually incurred
    3. Actual ballot access results
    4. If appropriate, ballot access retention results
    5. Significant problems encountered in the effort
    6. Significant unexpected successes of the effort
    7. FEC regulation issues encountered
    8. Evaluation of the individual(s) and/or organization(s) which were directly contracted/interacted with.
  6. Develop procedures and policies as reasonably appropriate to spread institutional knowledge of ballot access issues within the committee, LNC staff, officers of LNC affiliates, and future holders of these positions.

Blockchain Committee

11 members with 3 LNC members/alternates appointed by the LNC and 8 non-LNC members of the LP appointed by the 8 regional representatives

The Blockchain Committee will develop and make available to Libertarian Party affiliates and candidates for public office a document and training detailing Blockchain donation compliance info, outreach strategies, and issues in line with the LP platform for advocacy in the Blockchain space for use by candidates and affiliates. The Committee will prepare an outline of the document by February 15th, 2019 and submit a rough draft for approval no later than the fifth LNC meeting of the term. The Committee will develop, with support of LNC Staff, training for candidates and their staff/volunteers, both online and to be presented in LP training workshops.

Candidate Support Committee

2 non-LNC members selected by LNC chair

The Candidate Support Committee will develop and make available to Libertarian Party candidates for public office an application for LNC financial support based on current standards approved by the LNC. The Committee will also review applications and make recommendations to the LNC on their merits.

The Committee will review the standards within the first three months of a new LNC term and report any needed changes to the LNC for approval no later than the second LNC meeting of the term.

The Candidate Support Committee will develop, with support of LNC Staff, training for candidates and their staff both online and to be presented in LP training workshops. The Committee will also aid LNC Staff in the development of various campaign templates for websites, printed materials, etc that will be made available to LP candidates at little or no cost.

Convention Oversight Committee

2 non-LNC members members selected by LNC Chair (October 2018)

The Convention Oversight Committee shall make recommendations for convention sites to the LNC, but the LNC shall choose the site. On other matters concerning the Party’s conventions, the committee shall act on behalf of the LNC, including:

  • conveying requirements to convention planners.
  • ensuring the convention meets the Party’s needs.
  • reviewing and approving in a timely manner major elements, such as contracts, the convention budget and the convention program.

The committee shall periodically report its decisions and actions to the LNC. The committee may begin its work as soon as its members from the LNC are appointed.

During the 90 days following a convention, the committee shall make a final report to the LNC of actual versus expected convention performance, and the committee shall update the online convention archive with information comparable to what the archive contains for past conventions.

Information Technology Committee

Up to 5 non-LNC members selected by the LNC

The IT Committee shall:

  • Work with staff and state chairs to identify the Information Technology needs of the LP;
  • Discuss with staff and state chairs the anticipated IT needs and how to meet those needs;
  • Survey the list of possible vendors and solutions to those needs, and reduce the list to a small number;
  • By the LNC meeting following the convention, the committee will recommend to the LNC an implementation of the IT tools that will best satisfy those needs within the budgetary constraints of the Party;
  • Monitor progress in the transition and implementation to that solution as it pertains to HQ;
  • Monitor progress in the transition and implementation to that solution as it pertains to relations with the various affiliates; and
  • Propose standards for transfer of data between HQ and the affiliates.

Youth Engagement Committee

5 members, inc. 1 LNC member, 2 under the age of 27, and 1 college student

This committee is tasked to make recommendations to the Libertarian National Committee on strategies and methods to conduct outreach, including education on what the Party stands for, to younger voters.

With the exception of the Convention Oversight Committee, most of these positions will be filled no later than the September LNC meeting. If you are interested in applying for one or more of the committees, please apply today!

Apply today at

