Letter to Editor on Stimulus

Letter to the Ventura County Star

To Whom it May Concern: 

Libertarians are not anarchists. We recognize the necessity for government to protect the rights of the individual. However, in times of crisis, it is important for us to keep a skeptical eye for power grabs that could last long after the emergency. And we have seen deadly failures where the FDA prevented private companies from creating their own COVID-19 tests, and during that same time, the CDC could only produce a limited number of faulty tests.
Libertarians are against stimulus packages. With each new stimulus package, the government is conditioning people to rely on them. 
If this proposed stimulus package were to actualize, we would expect equal and fair treatment for each individual. Right now, the US federal debt is an unfathomable $23.5 trillion, that, if spread out across all citizens, we are now each individually responsible for $72k of debt. What the $2 trillion stimulus is asking us to do, is each add $6k debt to that $72k existing debt, in order for some of us to get back only $1200. The other $4800 of debt that each citizen is expected to take on is allocated to business or more government.
We do not approve of the stimulus bill in its current form, as it does nothing to curb the out of control spending habit of the federal government.
Teresa Cvach
Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Ventura County
