You are invited to attend the Libertarian Party of California 2021 Convention, and I hope to see you there. We have lots of important business to get done and some really exciting speakers!
Where: Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 South Court, Visalia, California
When: Friday, May 14 to Sunday, May 16, 2021
Agenda: In addition to conducting Party business, including elections, the Platform report, and the Bylaws report, there will also be speakers and panels. Speakers include:
- 2020 Presidential Candidate Jo Jorgensen
- 2020 Vice-Presidential Candidate Spike Cohen
- Wyoming State Representative Marshall Burt
- LNC Chair Joe Bishop-Henchman
There will be a campaign training panel, elected official panel, and a county affiliate roundtable. Reserve your spot today at
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers help make the convention experience better for everyone. We need volunteers for numerous things, but especially with AV. Please sign up to volunteer at
What will Spike Cohen’s badge say?
Help determine what Spike Cohen’s badge will read at the California convention on May 14-16. Donate now to vote for your favorite! Each dollar donated is another vote for the selected option. Vote at:
Electronic Voting - Bring a Device!!
We will be using the Porcupine app developed by our Interim Executive Director, T.J. Ferreira, for elections at the convention. Porcupine requires a web-enabled device (computer, tablet, or phone). While paper ballots will still be made available for those without access to a device, we encourage all voting State Central Committee members to bring such a device in order to streamline the process.
Electronic Voting - Training Sessions
There will be three training sessions conducted over Zoom to learn how to use this app.
- Saturday, May 1, at 3 PM,
- Tuesday, May 4, at 8:30 PM,
- Thursday, May 6, at 6:30 PM,
Please join us for one of these training sessions.
Yours in Liberty,
Mimi Robson, Chairperson
[email protected]