LPVC Hosts Booth at Thousand Oaks Street Fair

The Libertarian Party of Ventura County was one of over 350 vendors at the 27th annual Thousand Oaks Rotary Street Fair

The Libertarian Party of Ventura County was one of over 350 vendors at the 27th annual Thousand Oaks Rotary Street Fair on October 21st. With an estimated 20,000 visitors, the event gave the LPVC unparalleled exposure.

LPVC Executive Committee Vice Chair Nelson Lopez, Treasurer Susan Aquino, Secretary William Westmiller, Media/PR Chair Mark Suarez and Austin Jackson took turns at the booth.

At least a half-dozen people signed up for our mailing list, we sold a dozen CATO Constitutions, passed out lots of literature and got plenty of "thumbs up" from LP members or registrants passing the booth. We also got some "NextGen" attention, since we were on the Westlake High "Cell Scavenger Hunt" list. A score of students took literature and bumper stickers after taking pictures with LP officials.
