Mar 3 - CA Primary Election 

Ventura County past voting recommendations from LPVC (CA primary election 2020 Mar 03)


Measure 13 
Vote NO
This measure adds an unnecessary $15 billion burden on California taxpayers. Rather than funneling more money into the broken public education system, those who choose education should be able to dictate how and where their dollars are spent.



Measure A – Moorpark Unified School District
Vote NO
This measure slaps on a $5m burden on the taxpayers of Moorpark for public education. Again, those who choose education should be able to dictate how and where their dollars are spent.


Measure B – City of Oxnard
Vote NO
This measure includes a loophole. The mayor/council member can switch from council to mayor (or vice versa), which starts the term all over again, so some can avoid term limits altogether. Also, Oxnard is already required by state law to produce monthly financial statements.


Measure C – City of Ojai   
Vote NO
This measure imposes a tax on hotel guests, which artificially increases the price and makes Ojai a less desirable destination. Instead, the City of Ojai should look to cut costs.


Measure D – City of Santa Paula   
No opinion from Libertarian perspective.


Measure V – Las Virgenes Unified School District
Vote NO
This measure causes an $11m annual tax burden in the name of public education. Again, those who choose education should be able to dictate how and where their dollars are spent.
