LPC Chair Mimi Robson gives us an update and invites us to volunteer for a state committee:
"We have some great news to share coming out of our convention, which took place in Concord, California, April 5-7, 2019. The convention was a huge success! All told, we raised approximately $25,000 during the convention and this is the first convention in at least ten years in which the Party had more money in its bank account after the convention than before! We had 152 delegates register at the convention with 134 delegates on the floor on Sunday morning.
The newly elected Executive Committee will be starting its term with its second quarter meeting in Riverside, California, on May 18, 2019. The meeting will be held at the Marriott Riverside at the Convention Center, located at 3400 Market Street, Riverside, CA 92501. The meeting will begin at 10:00 am. Members for various committees will be selected at this meeting, along with the Platform Committee Coordinator. Committees for which members will be elected by the Executive Committee at this meeting include the Bylaws Committee (five members), Budget Committee (four members), Communications and Marketing Committee (two members), Program Committee (five members), Awards Committee (five members), and the Social Media Committee (six members).
We have numerous committees which need volunteers! If you would like to be appointed to one of our committees or if you would like to be considered to assist one of our working committees, please complete the linked application and upload your resume:https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Committee-Volunteer.
Committees currently listed on the application include the following: Membership Committee, Credentials Committee, Candidate Support Committee, Website Committee, IT Committee, Historical Preservation Committee, Social Media Committee, Communications and Marketing Committee, Awards Committee, Convention Oversight Committee, Financial Standards Committee, Volunteer Committee, County Organization Support Committee, Style Committee, Program Committee, Budget Committee, Program Committee, State Fair Committee, and the Platform Committee Coordinator. Please volunteer for any committees you are interested in getting involved on! Applications will be continuously open, but it is best if you apply before May 18, 2019.
We will also be hosting a booth at this year’s 2019 State Fair in Sacramento and need volunteers for this event. Mark Hinkle, and the LPC State Fair Committee, are organizing this outreach project and need your help in introducing fair-goers from across the state to the Libertarian principles of free trade and the individual pursuit of fun!
The fair will be held from Friday, July 12 through Sunday, July 28, 2017 at Cal Expo, 1600 Exposition Blvd., Sacramento; Building D, Booth #582 (air-conditioned!). To sign up for one or more shifts please go to https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090D48A5AC2EA4FE3-libertarian.Volunteers are granted free admission to the fair the day they help out at the booth.
The LPC has many other exciting plans leading up to the 2020 elections so please look for additional updates coming soon!"
Yours in Liberty,
Mimi Robson, Chair
Libertarian Party of California