We're having a booth at the Moorpark Country Days festival along High Street. Street fairs are our chance to meet and greet current Libertarians who may not know about their local party, and also to advertise our principles to attract future Libertarians. The event runs from 9am to 3pm; volunteers are needed to set up ahead of time, take down after the event, and manage the booth throughout the day. Fellow Libertarians (especially those who live in the Moorpark/Simi Valley area), are invited to come out and help. Liberty needs you! A good showing inside the booth always makes it easier to attract people to our booth. We'll have water, sodas and snacks. Even if you cannot volunteer please be sure to stop by and say hello.
If you'd like to volunteer, please click the box below and someone from the party will contact you.
(If you cannot make it this time, we are hosting a second booth on Sunday, October 21 at the Thousand Oaks Rotary Fair.)
High Street
Moorpark, CA 93010
United States
Google map and directions