A new Executive Committee was voted in on January 18 at the Annual Officer Elections business meeting. You can find the names of our current office holders listed on the “about” page of this website. Note that the Campaign Chair and Fundraising Chair positions remain vacant and are ready for new volunteers (possibly you?) to step forward and request to be appointed.
Your new ExCom team met recently for their first meeting to clarify goals and delegate actions to meet them. Emphasis this year will be on recruiting candidates and growing the party. LPVC members and other friends of liberty should feel free to contact them via this website’s email to make suggestions and/or volunteer their help. We want to see a growing body of LP believers in the county so that we can stage various events to bring in even more.
Our next quarterly business meeting will be on Wednesday April 12 at 6:30 PM, location to be determined. But you should see a social meet and greet posted before then. Stay tuned.