“Stop The Car Tax” Update

A message from Carl DeMaio who is doing wonderful work to help us keep more of our own money:

The Gas Tax Repeal Initiative got off to a red-hot start by collecting nearly 500,000 signatures in just 10 weeks. But we still need roughly 200,000 more signatures and time is running out. I really need your help and it will only take 5 minutes.

First, can you forward to your friends and family the online petition for them to PRINT, sign, and mail back to us? Just give them this site: stopthecartax.org. Imagine if you just forwarded it to 10 people, most of them will do it! Or, do you want any long-form petitions mailed to you to collect signatures on your own? We are extending our deadline to March 19.

Second, our paid signature effort is still on hold while we collect the final funds we need. If you can contribute ANYTHING now is the time because we really need to restart that effort ASAP. We HAVE to raise at least $45k more. Here’s the secure link

We are so close to getting this done! The latest polling shows 62% of Californians will vote to repeal the Gas Tax – but we must first get this to the ballot for that to happen! Do what you can today!

Thanks so much,

-Carl DeMaio
Reform California – Gas Tax Repeal Initiative

PS: Here’s my appearance on KUSI-TV where I talk about how we will overcome Governor Jerry Brown’s pathetic campaign of deception on the Gas Tax this fall! Watch here
