Sunday Brunch in Simi Valley

We’re trying something new for our Liberty and Libations social this month. Let’s meet on Sunday May 21 at the Junkyard Cafe for a Sunday brunch. Drop in anytime between 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM; you’ll find us at the back tables. The Junkyard Cafe is located at 2585 Cochran Street in Simi Valley. Come by to re-connect with old friends or meet new liberty-minded friends to discuss current events and local politics.  We respect each other’s point of view, but we are neither Democrats or Republicans.  We see the need for positive change locally and welcome constructive ideas to make that happen. We also want to catch up on what’s going on with local city councils as well as state-wide politics.

LPC Convention Notes

Over the weekend of April 29-30, 2017 the California Libertarian Party held its annual convention in Santa Clara California.  It was a wonderful weekend with over 80 delegates in attendance to vote on party business and enjoy fine speakers. In addition elections were held to fill state party officer positions for two-year terms.  The results of the elections are as follows: Ted Brown-Party Chair; Kenneth Brent Olsen-Northern Vice-Chair; Jonathan Jaech-Southern Vice-Chair; Honor “Mimi” Robson-Secretary; and Steven Haug-Treasurer. Six At-Large Members were also elected with two alternates. A seat on the Judiciary Committee was filled.

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A Foundation of Freedom For Your Child

Do you feel school taught you enough to pass the ideals of liberty and freedom to your children? Aside from the Declaration of Independence and the subsequent war, we often don’t teach our children the philosophies and principles of freedom & liberty that our founding fathers risked everything for. Teaching our children about these ideals within the modern world is even more rare.

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Great Speakers at LP Convention April 28-30

A convention update from our state chair: I am pleased to announce that David Friedman (economics professor and son of Milton Friedman) and Patrick Byrne (CEO of are now featured speakers at the Libertarian Party of California State Convention.  The convention is coming up fast – April 28 to 30 at the Santa Clara Marriott, 2700 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA (near San Jose Airport).

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City Watch Speaker to Guest at Quarterly Business Meeting April 20

Our quarterly business meeting will be held at 6:30 PM on Thursday April 20. We will also have a guest from our City Watch team to speak on the importance of staying abreast of what’s happening in your local city government. The meeting/talk will be held at Marie Callender’s in Camarillo at 185 E Daily Drive. Their number is 987-5580. This event is open to the public and all members are encouraged to attend.

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Notes from Our So-Cal Conference

I believe there’s value in networking with our other counties so last week I made the drive to Santa Fe Springs to enjoy the Southern California Regional LP Conference. It was hosted by both the Los Angeles and San Bernardino county groups. We had a nice lunch in a good setting and heard stories by Libertarians who have been running campaigns, whether their own or for others.

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First Call: Annual Ca LP State Convention

Message from our State Chair: The Libertarian Party of California’s 2017 State Convention will convene from April 28 to April 30 at the Santa Clara Marriott Hotel, 2700 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95054 (near San Jose International Airport).  This will be our first convention in the Bay Area since 2009, and it should be the gala event of the season, featuring exciting speakers, tasty meal events, party business, and camaraderie with fellow freedom-loving individuals from throughout California.

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Liberty and Libations: First Social of the Year March 15

Hello, east county Libertarians. You are invited to the first social “meet and greet” of the year. Join us on Wednesday March 15 between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM at the Fusion Grill, 2024 Avenida de Los Arboles in Thousand Oaks, where we’ll enjoy wine, beer and lite healthy fare. Meet fellow local liberty lovers and discuss current events with a libertarian perspective. We’re all about promoting smaller government and personal freedoms. So if you are considering running for office as a Libertarian, needing to register in the party, wanting to join as a member, or just thinking about volunteering and being part of the group, we would love to see you there.

“I’m That Libertarian”

Those are the words spoken by Dr. Marc Allan Feldman, presidential candidate at our National Libertarian Convention in 2016. They now compose the theme for the 2018 LP Convention to come. Dr. Feldman has since passed away but, from the few times I met him, I found him to be a funny, personable and sincere man. His speech at the convention was rousing and memorable, spotlighting all the different kinds of libertarians there are and making every one of them feel at home. His words left me with a sense of comradery with the others in the room.

The convention planners hope these words become a rallying cry for Libertarians nationwide and that you consider joining them in New Orleans in 2018.

Moving Oxnard Forward

“It’s déjà vu all over again.”
— Yogi Berra

Last week, the Oxnard City Council started the process to raise our wastewater rates again. That process, which involves mailing out notices to residents and a 45-day protest period, will culminate in a public hearing on May 16.

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