New LPVC Team for 2017

A new Executive Committee was voted in on January 18 at the Annual Officer Elections business meeting. You can find the names of our current office holders listed on the “about” page of this website. Note that the Campaign Chair and Fundraising Chair positions remain vacant and are ready for new volunteers (possibly you?) to step forward and request to be appointed.

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One Step Closer to Open Debates

In a victory for more open presidential debates, a US District Court ruled yesterday against the FEC in Level the Playing Field vs the Federal Election Commission, in which the Libertarian Party is a co-plaintiff. We won this case! The judge ruled that the FEC clearly ignored the very substantial evidence submitted by the plaintiffs that indicate that the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) is rigged in favor of the Republicans and Democrats.

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Calendar Item: State LP ExCom Meeting Feb 26

Here’s another opportunity to meet your state Executive Committee and see them at work. On Sunday February 26 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM they will convene at the new state office in Monrovia, 825 South Myrtle, 91016. The phone is 626-471-9700. All members are welcome to watch the proceedings.

Meet Me at the So Cal LP Conference Feb 25

All Libertarians are invited to a day of speakers celebrating the incredible wins and experiences of the Gary Johnson/Bill Weld 2016 Campaign. The SouthernCalifornia Libertarian Party Conference is in its 8th year and is being held on Saturday, February 25th at Geezer’s in Santa Fe Springs.  Doors open at 11 A.M; tickets are $35.00 and include lunch.

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PARKS and RECREATION? It’s Not Just a TV Show

We have just learned of a vacancy in the Rancho Simi Parks and Recreation District. The Board of Directions will be appointing a replacement for a board member who is leaving mid-term.  The successful applicant will continue until the next election in November 2018. Applications are due by January 15th.  For more information go to and click on “Notice of Vacancy.”

All Simi Valley and Oak Park Libertarians are encouraged to apply. Even though this is a non-partisan position, it is still an opportunity to bring a Libertarian viewpoint to your local government. And realize too, that many times appointments can lead to other political aspirations. Good luck!


This Saturday, I will not be attending the protest march on Washington, although I live only a few minutes away from that location.

This march suggests that Donald J. Trump’s inappropriateness is somehow worse than the government abuses under Barack Obama and George W. Bush. I won’t support that kind of value reversal. I will not engage in the fantasy that idiotic locker room humor is worse than bombing civilians, or hypocritically refusing to pardon people for marijuana use after admitting to marijuana use. I will not pretend that Trump’s election antics are worse than warrantless wiretapping, or the Patriot Act, or the Wall Street bailout.

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